Fri, Jan 24 - Epic Air

Looking for some cold weather fun? 
Come to the South Elgin Epic Air on Friday, January 24
and jump for 2 hours for just $17.  Make sure and
mention NWLL when you book to get the deal and
give back to the league.  Have fun!

Sun, Feb 2 - Adrenaline Monkey

Another fun opportunity to burn off some winter energy. 
Visit Adrenaline Monkey in West Dundee on
Sunday, February 2 from 3 - 5 pm.
It's a great way to give back to the league with 25% of all sales being donated to NWLL.  
We hope to see you there! 

Thurs, Feb 20 - Which Wich Dine & Share

Skip cooking dinner and swing by
Which Which in Pingree Grove to
support NWLL.  Make sure and
mention the league and a percent
of your total order sales will be
donated back to the league. 
Enjoy your sandwiches!

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